Favourite music genre

Tuesday 14 December 2010

The NME - The Double Page Spread

   The double page spread of the NME magazine is better than the double page spread of the Clash magazine, I think this is because its gives more information for a double page spread and still relates to its target audience. The main image of the double page goes onto both pages unlike the Clash magazine. Its central of the spilt that splits up to the pages so half the image is one page and the other half of the image is on the other page.
     The image relates back to the front cover which is an image of Glastonbury. However on the front cover the image looks like its been taken by a member of the audience whereas this image looks like its been taken on the actual stage. Like the image in Clash magazine it is in black and white, I think this works in these magazines because of its readers. It gives the image and magazine or more vintage feel which is often associated with the readers. The image shows a performance held on the main stage at Glastonbury. The mass amount of people in the crowed shows how popular Glastonbury is and how popular that type of music is, it also makes the reader feel as they are on the stage looking out onto the crowd and feel like part of the band. Its hard to distinguish who it is playing on the stage, but it is irrelevant because the reader knows that it is band of the genre they like by the way they are dressed and their stage presence. On the first page the artist looks like he has given a good performance as he is holding his microphone high in the air. A way to tell that the act on in the image is a band of the genre the magazine supports is the use of the guitars and the way they are dressed.
     The layout of the double page spread is very logical and creates a great impact. The image is dead central of both pages, this makes the readers feel engaged with the picture as its central and feel part of the picture, it also lets readers know what the article is about as the image is so obvious. At the very top of the first page on the left hand side there is a very small title saying Glastonbury this is just to inform readers what the article is about just in case they don't already know. Below that there is four little coloured images of performance by another band, they give the page a bit more colour as the pictures are in colour, once again the images relate with the audience, the pictures are vintage and they all have guitars. The text goes on either side of the image, This makes the reader find the magazine more interesting as its a not two full pages of text its broken up with large image.

     Like the contents page their isn't much colour used, the background is white, the large image is in black white and their is spot of green, purple and yellow, this gives the page a bit more colour however I still think the page looks a bit plain. However the colours that are their do suit the audience of the magazine, they are simple not too bright and tacky their very mutual colours. The font of the double page spread is very similar to the one use on the contents page. The big titles of the band were bolder than the rest of the text, this is so readers notice that the article is about their favourite bands and makes them want to read the magazine even more. The start of every paragraph starts with a bold letter and bigger letter. The text of the article is smaller and less bold so its easier on the eye and makes readers distinguish the difference between titles and the article.

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