Favourite music genre

Monday 13 December 2010

The Clash Magazine- Contents Page

Contents Page

    The language of the contents page shows similar properties to the front cover. It also relates to the magazine and what the magazine it stands for. There is six images on the contents page and the rest is text. The main image which is situated on the top left hand side is of Iggy Pop. Due to the front cover and the main story of that issue being of Iggy Pop, its a suitable main image to have on the contents page. The picture is in black white so it makes the rest of the page stand out. In the picture Iggy Pop once again has his top off. However this image is taken from Iggy Pop is performing, its obviously a picture that is taken from when he was younger. Although you cant see his face its easy to establish who it is due to how famous he is and his very famous top off bare chest image. The image shows what the magazine stands for, passion for music, in the image he is practically eating the microphone this looks like he is putting that much passion into singing and singing his hardest. In the image he is laid on the floor, this also shows the magazines and Iggy Pops laid back attitude, he doesn't have to stand up to perform, he can lay down and still give a very successful performance and still have his style and attitude. Below the image of Iggy Pop there is three smaller images all the same sizer and all of different artists. Two of the images shows artists in sun glasses, once again this shows the cool and laid back attitude the magazine has, it also shows the magazine is in date with new artist as its images of new artist and not just the old ones like Iggy Pop. There is two other images at the very bottom of the page they are very small but still see able, they are off less famous artist I think this is why they have been given smaller images, because they are not as important as Iggy pop. If the images where as big as Iggy Pop it wouldn't make Iggy Pop look as important as he really is.
    The layout of the contents page is very logical, it prioritises its bigger stories by not putting them in the list of the other stories on the left hand side, its puts them centre. This so the page is more full and the more important stories are in the middle so readers are more aware whats more important and the running theme throughout that issue. The less important stuff is at the very bottom of the page this is so readers realise its not as important to read or as good.
    The font colours are very similar to the front cover they use the two main colours pink and acid green like the front colour, this shows the magazine has a running theme colour, the two colours are very smart to use because each colour is a traditional colour for either sex, pink for girls, green for boys. Also its very young and playful kind of like what the magazine stands for. The background colour is white, this makes the pictures and the fonts stand out and keeps it clear and sophisticated and more grown up even though the two main colours are quite childlike. Its almost as if no matter how old you are this magazine can make you feel young.

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