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Monday 13 December 2010

The Clash Magazine- The Double Page spread

    The double page spread of the Clash magazine is focused on the artist on the front cover, Iggy Pop. He is also shown on the front cover as well. The first page of the double page spread has no images only text, however it still has some influence of Iggy Pop, In the title 'Raw power' there is a silhouette of Iggy pop on the A, this is so readers are aware the text will be about Iggy Pop. Even though its only a silhouette its very easy to see and recognise who it by his signature pose and the attitude in the silhouette.
    The layout is very sophisticated like the rest of the magazine however it still has the wild attitude. The page has no images only text, The Title of  the article takes over the majority of the page, the Title is 'Raw Power' This shows the magazines attitude and its type of music, raw is usually associated with rock music and real music rather then pop and power is often associated with rock as in power in the rock and roll, this also relates back to the artist. He is very raw and has a lot of power for example when performing he has the power to do it bare chested. The title takes up half of the page this shows that its key feature of the magazine, big title, big feature. Underneath the title there is an intro into the article this gives a brief intro into the article and quick past of the artist just in case you don't know who he is. Underneath this the articles starts, the first letter however is bigger than the rest of the article and in a different colour, this gives the article and magazine a more professional look also in famous fairytale book the first words of chapter also has a Big letter in a different font, its almost as if the article of this magazine is telling he fairytale story of Iggy Pop.
     Compared to the front cover and contents page the double page spread doesn't use the tow colours pink and green, I think this is because the article is about Iggy Pop and not the magazine so it uses colours to represent Iggy Pop. The black background makes the rest of the colours stand out also black is often associated with rock attitude and darkness, much like Iggy Pops attitude. Red is another key colour used and red is often represents violence, passion and lust this also relates to Iggy Pop as when he performs he sometimes looks quite violent because he is so passionate about his music, he also has a song called 'Lust for life' and as the colour red is often associated with Lust it works quite well.
      The fonts used are different to the front cover the title is in a much larger font to the rest of the magazine and takes up the majority of the page, I think this is because its an important article so its want to highlight this. Its also very thick and bold, so its stands out just like Iggy Pop. The intro paragraph is a lot smaller font however its bolder and bigger than the article I think this is so people are awarer its an intro and gets the reader involved into the article as they have a brief description before hand what it is about. The article its self is in a font that would be used in a book or a newspaper I think this is readers are aware this is the actual article that contains all the information and not just some introduction.
        The second page of the double page spread is just an image of Iggy Pop on stage performing. The image is in black and white, this makes the double page spread matching in colours there no other colours apart from red, white and black. This makes the magazine look more professional and expensive. The image of Iggy Pop shows him just how he is when he is performing. In the image Iggy Pop doesn't have eye contact with the readers, his eyes have been edited so they look darkened out however with or without his eye contact you aware its him by his bare chest, wild hair and his very thin physic. His face expression doesn't particular make him look atractive but the magazine isn't like a pop magazine where everybody is beautiful its about the music, so they haven't tried to make him look nice they tried to make him look like his true self. His body language with his arm in the air and a microphone in the other shows he is performing and also shows his passion for music. The image relates back to message of the magazine and views of the readers. The image shows Iggy Pop performing and showing his passion for music and his dedication to rock/indie music. This image shows this and reflects back on the audience.

Page one of the double page spread:

Page two of the double page spread:

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