Favourite music genre

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Best images to use for my double page spread

Draft Of the double page spread

Best images to use for my Contents page

Draft Of The Contents Page

Best images to use for my Front Cover

Draft Of The Front Cover

Original shots

Some of these images will be used for my Front cover, Contents page and Double page spread. This is after they have been edited and carefully chosen.

The Chosen Name For My magazine

AIR- Out of all my choices I liked this one the best, it was catchy and short and easy to remember. Not only that it stands for all the types of music that would be featured in my magazine, Alternative, Indie and Rock. Also my slogan for my magazine will be 'Give your music taste a breath of fresh AIR.' I think it works well and it makes scene even with what AIR stand for. Therefore AIR will be the name of my magazine.

Possible names for my Music Magazine

A magazine name is very important for the magazine as then people know what the magazine is and they can rocomend it to thier friends. Also it gives the magazine its own individuality.

Possible names:

Indimu - This is a cleaver name because I put the words Indie and Music together as that's what magazine features.

Chequered - This name is because a lot of artist wear chequered shirts and chequered shirts are often associated with this  type of genre.

Fender- This is because a very famous guitar company is called Fender

Message- This is a good name because a lot of alternative music has a message behind it and also a famous old rock classic song is message i a bottle.

AIR- This is a good name because A stands for Alternative, I stands for indie and R stands for rock also the magazine is a breath of fresh air as its original.

Vidual - This is because its the last part of the word 'Individual' and the magazine is supposed to be individual and one of a kind.

The Q magazine - The Double Page Spread

   The first page of the Q double page spread on Paul McCartney has no images however the second page has three black and white images. It must be a common pattern for magazines that are about the genre alternative/rock and indie must often have their double page spread with black and white images. The Clash magazine used a black and white image and so did the NME. The images on the second page on the Q magazine are off Paul McCartney when he was young, they are taken when he was working in his younger years. All the images show him working or being interviewed or with other people. This shows that the images weren't set up, it gives that more professional look into his life, it feels like your in Paul McCartney's life. In bottom image Paul McCartney's face is looking down, but because his face is so famous you still know who it is. The image shows him smoking a cigarette, this is typical of a rock and roll lifestyle so it once again sticks to the stereotype of the readers of Q. In the bottom image he is seen with a very attractive woman this makes him look popular and legendary. The other two images are once again in black and white and off Paul McCartney in his younger days and in one of them once again he is smoking. This shows his rebellious rock and roll lifestyle.
     The layout of the double page spread is similar to that of the Clash magazine. The article is on the left hand page,  at the top of the left hand page is the intro title, its set out like an interview. The article is in four columns, very similarly their was four Beatles. The second page of the double page spread has two smaller images at the top and a larger one that fills the bottom. On the right hand side at the very bottom on the page there is a quote. The page with all the images makes you feel in his life as its a very busy page.
     The colours are very similar to the front cover and contents page. Red, white and black. Keeps a consistency to the magazine, and still gives it that Royal but simple look. Its not over the top like a pop or R&B magazine would be. Like the contents page is has a red band that goes over the two pages, I think this brightens up the page and makes it look smarter and more grown up.

Q Magazine - The Contents Page

    This contents page in this issue of the Q is different to the conetnts pages of the issues of NME and The Clash, this is beaucse its a double page contents page rathr than a one paged conetenst page. Like the front cover it keeps a slight vinatge theme, it aslo has Paul McCarntney on the contenets pages. Like most contents pages it quite a nukber of images, the Q magazine has 9 images on its content pages. The biggest image and the most vinatge looking one is of Paul McCarntey. The image is Paul McCartney's face poping out the side of the wall four times. Like the front cover you can only see his face, not his body and once again he is wearing the coat. In this picture he looks lively and as though he is having fun, almost to say have fun with music, the same message Q stads for have fun with music. Also his face is shown four times in the photograph its almost like to show he is a one man band, he doesnt need the other four Beatles to be successful. I think the images on the contents page of Q suit more to the readers of Q more than the NME and Clash did on their contents page. Many of the images are approiate to the readers, they are all dressed individual or very rock star. However like NME the bigger the picture used the bigger the story.
     The layout is very similar to the layout of the double page spread in NME however instead of the article been on either side of massive paicture the page listings are on either side of different images in the middle. The pictures in the middle of the double page spread contents page are to show readers which stories are more important as they have images shows they are better. At the top of the bothe pages their is a red band that goes across. This is a nice effect to the magazine as it makes readers know what page they are on and gives the magazine a more grown up, stylish and sophistication.
      Very similar to NME contents page it doesnt use many colours, I think this is beacuse it wants to show sophistciation and use more dull colours, if it was bright pink, yellow, and green its more asscoiated with a pop magazine. The duller colours are more vinatge and more associated with readers of Q. The main colours used a red, white and black. Red often symbolises passion, so as Q main colour is red , it shows passion for music. Also people will coinside red with this particular magazine. The white keeps it simple and sophisticated but most of all grown up. Agianst the white background the images and text stand out and makes it easier to read.


Q Magazine - The front Cover

       The front cover of the Q magazine is Paul McCartney and he gives this issue of Q a vintage feel, rather than the hard rock and roll edge the Clash magazine gave. The image is of his upper body, he's covered up in a big coat, its almost as though he doesn't want to be seen, due to him being so famous. Its almost as if Q magazine is showing off who they have on the front cover as you can only see his eyes and hair but still know who it is. Paul McCartney has strong eye contact with the audience so it makes the audience feel more engaged. Q magazine is focused on new and old music and the genres: Rock, indie and alternative. Readers of Q often like old and new music, so using an artist like Paul McCartney is a good artist to use as he's really famous for his old work and his new more recent work. The image of Paul McCartney makes him very mysterious and discreet and almost makes audiences curious to see what the inside story on him will be about. Also he is only shown in a dark coat, this shows he's trying not to be recognised also shows he doest need to wear fancy, expensive clothes to make him look good because he is so famous he looks amazing whatever he wears. Paul McCartney in the image is central of the page so this makes him the first thing you look at, this a good tactic as he is a very famous artist so people can recognise him straight away.
       Theres only four colours used on this front cover which is very uncommon as most other magazines use colour. I think this is because Q magazine wants to give it the vintage look so the image used is black and white, to make it look like the image has just been taken, almost as if no matter how old you are you can still be cool and act young, this makes older readers feel more engaged with the magazine. Another colour used is red, this is because against black and white its very bold and stands out very clearly, it is used for the logo 'Q' This is because most front covers of the Q magazine is red, so it keeps the tradition and makes it easy for weekly readers to reconsign their favourite magazine. The red is also used for the text and the quote, this stands out against the picture of Paul so its clear and easy to read. The final colour which is gold is used to block the words Paul McCartney, this is because gold is a very Royal colour and because its over his name it almost makes you think of Paul McCartney as royalty rather than just an artist.
      The layout is very normal, very much like Clash and NME the logo is on the top left hand side, this shows a very similar pattern in magazines. The image is central and Paul McCartney eyes are dead central. The bar code is on the top right hand corner and the sub- titles are in the middle at the bottom of the page. The once difference on this front compared to Clash and NME is it doesn't mention inside stories, this is because is doesn't really need to because their main featured artist is so popular and famous they don't need to talk about their inside stories.

Q Magazine

-Bauer Media is the publisher of Q magazine.
-It was launched in 1986
-Q doesn't specify its readers by gender, its readers are those who have a passion for music and music arts arts.

The NME - The Double Page Spread

   The double page spread of the NME magazine is better than the double page spread of the Clash magazine, I think this is because its gives more information for a double page spread and still relates to its target audience. The main image of the double page goes onto both pages unlike the Clash magazine. Its central of the spilt that splits up to the pages so half the image is one page and the other half of the image is on the other page.
     The image relates back to the front cover which is an image of Glastonbury. However on the front cover the image looks like its been taken by a member of the audience whereas this image looks like its been taken on the actual stage. Like the image in Clash magazine it is in black and white, I think this works in these magazines because of its readers. It gives the image and magazine or more vintage feel which is often associated with the readers. The image shows a performance held on the main stage at Glastonbury. The mass amount of people in the crowed shows how popular Glastonbury is and how popular that type of music is, it also makes the reader feel as they are on the stage looking out onto the crowd and feel like part of the band. Its hard to distinguish who it is playing on the stage, but it is irrelevant because the reader knows that it is band of the genre they like by the way they are dressed and their stage presence. On the first page the artist looks like he has given a good performance as he is holding his microphone high in the air. A way to tell that the act on in the image is a band of the genre the magazine supports is the use of the guitars and the way they are dressed.
     The layout of the double page spread is very logical and creates a great impact. The image is dead central of both pages, this makes the readers feel engaged with the picture as its central and feel part of the picture, it also lets readers know what the article is about as the image is so obvious. At the very top of the first page on the left hand side there is a very small title saying Glastonbury this is just to inform readers what the article is about just in case they don't already know. Below that there is four little coloured images of performance by another band, they give the page a bit more colour as the pictures are in colour, once again the images relate with the audience, the pictures are vintage and they all have guitars. The text goes on either side of the image, This makes the reader find the magazine more interesting as its a not two full pages of text its broken up with large image.

     Like the contents page their isn't much colour used, the background is white, the large image is in black white and their is spot of green, purple and yellow, this gives the page a bit more colour however I still think the page looks a bit plain. However the colours that are their do suit the audience of the magazine, they are simple not too bright and tacky their very mutual colours. The font of the double page spread is very similar to the one use on the contents page. The big titles of the band were bolder than the rest of the text, this is so readers notice that the article is about their favourite bands and makes them want to read the magazine even more. The start of every paragraph starts with a bold letter and bigger letter. The text of the article is smaller and less bold so its easier on the eye and makes readers distinguish the difference between titles and the article.

The NME magazine- The contents page

Personally I dislike the contents page of the NME magazine, I find very busy and a little big hard to understand. The language of the of the contents page does slightly relate to the purpose of the magazine, which is individual music. There is 8 images on the contents page, this is showing a very common pattern on the contents page as the Clash magazine had six pictures on the contents page. This shows that contents pages usually have more than one image on. The biggest image on the NME contents page is off an artist performing on stage at Glastonbury. The artist looks very individual as he has stereotypical clothes on and he has one leg in the air so it shows he getting into his performance. He is also holding a microphone so this proves he is performing. The picture is the biggest out of the six so it shows it more important, Its also in black and white so that makes it stand out even more as all the other five images are in colour.
    All the other five images more or less the same size, I think the larger the image the more important it is, so I think the bigger images of the five means it is a more important story. All the images relate back to what the magazine stand for, their all very individual. In two the of pictures people are using guitars which is often associated with the type of music NME stands for. All the clothes in the images also relate back to stereotypes of the magazine its all individual and suits that type of music.
    The layout of the magazine is different to the Clash Magazine. The title is central of the page at the very top, this is so readers read this firstand realise what page they are on. In the very middle of the page is the biggest image, this is so readers are aware that it is the most important story of the magazine. Almost symmetrically there is two images on either side on the page, this gives the page order and doesn't look as though everything is scattered everywhere. Due to these four images being near the main important one its easy to understand that these are the other main stories in that issue. At the bottom of the page is a few page listings and three more images, however these are all different sizes. I believe these are at the bottom so people don't tend to take as much notice as they aren't as important.
   Throughout the page the font is regularly changed from to thin, I dislike this affect as I think it makes the contents page hard to read and makes it look a bit overcrowded, its all different sizes and various fonts, I personally dont think its work. The biggest and boldest font is the Title of the page, This is because people like to know what page they are on.
   The contents page is very bland and simple I don't think it reflects very well the readers of the magazine, its simple and boring wheres I thought it would be more colourful and more individual. The only colour on the page is the Images, wheres as the background and text is all black and white, I think this makes the whole page rather boring however it makes the images stand out more, maybe this is why they do it.

Monday 13 December 2010

The NME magazine- The front cover

      The front cover of the NME magazine usually has an artist on the front cover, on which would be featured inside the magazine. However this issue has image that is Glastonbury tent due to it being its 40 year anniversary. Glastonbury is a very famous event and a lot of the music and artist that attend Glastonbury are very similar genres and artists that readers of the NME like. Doing a Glastonbury issue will reach out to more readers as people who like Glastonbury and didn't have chance to go may buy it as well as its usual buyers.
        The image doesn't really show much of Glastonbury but its enough for people who don't even like Glastonbury to recognise. The image is off the main stage, which never really changes through the years. So its a key recognise object. This is part of the image is at the bottom of the page. The image has many different colours at bottom, this shows the life and excitement at Glastonbury and also into the magazine. You can slightly see on the image people heads, this shows the popularity of Glastonbury which relates back to the popularity of the magazine. The main stage also has lights which shine upwards on the page, it almost looks like light are shining on the huge '40' placed on the page or even at the title of the magazine NME. IN the middle of the image there is the number '40' and some text This lets readers know that's its Glastonbury's 40th anniversary so it will better this year than any other so that also means the NME magazine that issue will be even more important and better as its celebrating Glastonbury as well. So the '40' looks more important and more Royal, it has vines with leaves round wrapped round the forty, this makes it look more important On the right hand side of the page there is five mini images of the featured acts at Glastonbury. This makes the reader want to buy the issue because if their not going to Glastonbury at least they can look who is playing or if they are going they can get a sneak preview perhaps even find out surprises to be at Glastonbury. However all the acts shown at right hand side of the page are all the genre that NME are interested in so people who buy NME weekly still get to read about their favorite artists.
        The font on the front page of the magazine is all very bold and thick and very simple to read. This so people can read what will be in the magazine very clearly, its also so it stands out against the picture and stands out in shops as its a very important issue. The logo of the magazine NME however is the same as it is every week this is so readers also recognise it and on other products. The two main font colours are white and orange. Orange is a very youthful colour and its not associated with boys or girls so its open towards both genders. There is a few shades of orange in the image so it matches well however its clear against the darker parts of the picture and stands out a lot.
       The layout like most magazine has the main image in the middle, however the most important part of the image is near the bottom of the page, this is because they need to fit the huge '40' in to show how important the issue is. The '40' is very central of the page, this is so readers know its very important and a key aspect of the issue. Very similar to the Clash magazine the logo is on the top left hand side this is so readers always know where it is if they ever want to make sure they are buying a genuine copy of the NME. The inside stories are on the left and right hand side the page this is so the main image looks more important and doesn't cover the Glastonbury spirit.

NME magazine

- IPC are the publisher of NME magazine
- More males than females read NME, 74% are males and 26% are females.
- The average age of the NME readers is 23 with the majority who read NME being students 42%.
- NME is considered a strong and trustworthy magazine. The majority of its readers do like alternative, indie and rock music and usually very passionate about it.
-NME tries to keep up to date with new fresh music.

The Clash Magazine- The Double Page spread

    The double page spread of the Clash magazine is focused on the artist on the front cover, Iggy Pop. He is also shown on the front cover as well. The first page of the double page spread has no images only text, however it still has some influence of Iggy Pop, In the title 'Raw power' there is a silhouette of Iggy pop on the A, this is so readers are aware the text will be about Iggy Pop. Even though its only a silhouette its very easy to see and recognise who it by his signature pose and the attitude in the silhouette.
    The layout is very sophisticated like the rest of the magazine however it still has the wild attitude. The page has no images only text, The Title of  the article takes over the majority of the page, the Title is 'Raw Power' This shows the magazines attitude and its type of music, raw is usually associated with rock music and real music rather then pop and power is often associated with rock as in power in the rock and roll, this also relates back to the artist. He is very raw and has a lot of power for example when performing he has the power to do it bare chested. The title takes up half of the page this shows that its key feature of the magazine, big title, big feature. Underneath the title there is an intro into the article this gives a brief intro into the article and quick past of the artist just in case you don't know who he is. Underneath this the articles starts, the first letter however is bigger than the rest of the article and in a different colour, this gives the article and magazine a more professional look also in famous fairytale book the first words of chapter also has a Big letter in a different font, its almost as if the article of this magazine is telling he fairytale story of Iggy Pop.
     Compared to the front cover and contents page the double page spread doesn't use the tow colours pink and green, I think this is because the article is about Iggy Pop and not the magazine so it uses colours to represent Iggy Pop. The black background makes the rest of the colours stand out also black is often associated with rock attitude and darkness, much like Iggy Pops attitude. Red is another key colour used and red is often represents violence, passion and lust this also relates to Iggy Pop as when he performs he sometimes looks quite violent because he is so passionate about his music, he also has a song called 'Lust for life' and as the colour red is often associated with Lust it works quite well.
      The fonts used are different to the front cover the title is in a much larger font to the rest of the magazine and takes up the majority of the page, I think this is because its an important article so its want to highlight this. Its also very thick and bold, so its stands out just like Iggy Pop. The intro paragraph is a lot smaller font however its bolder and bigger than the article I think this is so people are awarer its an intro and gets the reader involved into the article as they have a brief description before hand what it is about. The article its self is in a font that would be used in a book or a newspaper I think this is readers are aware this is the actual article that contains all the information and not just some introduction.
        The second page of the double page spread is just an image of Iggy Pop on stage performing. The image is in black and white, this makes the double page spread matching in colours there no other colours apart from red, white and black. This makes the magazine look more professional and expensive. The image of Iggy Pop shows him just how he is when he is performing. In the image Iggy Pop doesn't have eye contact with the readers, his eyes have been edited so they look darkened out however with or without his eye contact you aware its him by his bare chest, wild hair and his very thin physic. His face expression doesn't particular make him look atractive but the magazine isn't like a pop magazine where everybody is beautiful its about the music, so they haven't tried to make him look nice they tried to make him look like his true self. His body language with his arm in the air and a microphone in the other shows he is performing and also shows his passion for music. The image relates back to message of the magazine and views of the readers. The image shows Iggy Pop performing and showing his passion for music and his dedication to rock/indie music. This image shows this and reflects back on the audience.

Page one of the double page spread:

Page two of the double page spread:

The Clash Magazine- Contents Page

Contents Page

    The language of the contents page shows similar properties to the front cover. It also relates to the magazine and what the magazine it stands for. There is six images on the contents page and the rest is text. The main image which is situated on the top left hand side is of Iggy Pop. Due to the front cover and the main story of that issue being of Iggy Pop, its a suitable main image to have on the contents page. The picture is in black white so it makes the rest of the page stand out. In the picture Iggy Pop once again has his top off. However this image is taken from Iggy Pop is performing, its obviously a picture that is taken from when he was younger. Although you cant see his face its easy to establish who it is due to how famous he is and his very famous top off bare chest image. The image shows what the magazine stands for, passion for music, in the image he is practically eating the microphone this looks like he is putting that much passion into singing and singing his hardest. In the image he is laid on the floor, this also shows the magazines and Iggy Pops laid back attitude, he doesn't have to stand up to perform, he can lay down and still give a very successful performance and still have his style and attitude. Below the image of Iggy Pop there is three smaller images all the same sizer and all of different artists. Two of the images shows artists in sun glasses, once again this shows the cool and laid back attitude the magazine has, it also shows the magazine is in date with new artist as its images of new artist and not just the old ones like Iggy Pop. There is two other images at the very bottom of the page they are very small but still see able, they are off less famous artist I think this is why they have been given smaller images, because they are not as important as Iggy pop. If the images where as big as Iggy Pop it wouldn't make Iggy Pop look as important as he really is.
    The layout of the contents page is very logical, it prioritises its bigger stories by not putting them in the list of the other stories on the left hand side, its puts them centre. This so the page is more full and the more important stories are in the middle so readers are more aware whats more important and the running theme throughout that issue. The less important stuff is at the very bottom of the page this is so readers realise its not as important to read or as good.
    The font colours are very similar to the front cover they use the two main colours pink and acid green like the front colour, this shows the magazine has a running theme colour, the two colours are very smart to use because each colour is a traditional colour for either sex, pink for girls, green for boys. Also its very young and playful kind of like what the magazine stands for. The background colour is white, this makes the pictures and the fonts stand out and keeps it clear and sophisticated and more grown up even though the two main colours are quite childlike. Its almost as if no matter how old you are this magazine can make you feel young.

Friday 10 December 2010

The clash magazine-Front cover

Front cover

  The language of the front shows the attitude of Iggy pop off. Iggy pop is known for not having his top on so its almost as if he's carried on his tradition to show of to the readers and that his youth still exists. Also the way he has put his fingers above his head almost looks like devil horns so it shows that he still a rebel and has a devilish side in him. The fact that Iggy Pop also doesn't have an attractive figure and he's still posing with no top on shows he doest care what he looks like and what other people think, its quite vain and big headed. Iggy pop's eyes stand out and are central of the page. This makes readers engaged with the magazine and with Iggy Pop. The blue in his eyes stand out due to the heavy makeup and make the audience feel a connection with Iggy Pop. The dark eye makeup once again reflects the lifestyle he leads, it makes him look like he has been partying all night and living the rock and roll lifestyle although he's very old.
   The font of the front cover is very bold and outstanding so the audiences can easily read the front cover also it uses three colours, pink, acid green and white. This makes the front cover very sophisticated as they aren't using loads of colours also its very suitable for both genders as it uses pink and green. The logo is very cleaver, its on the left hand side so its the first thing you read also because its at the top when its stored in shops you'll be able to see the brand of the magazine straight away. The logo is cleaver and individual because the A is reversed to it blends into the S it looks like one letter when its not, it gives the magazine a quirky edge. The font for the storyline headers are smaller and less significant this so you read the more important part first. The main story is more bold and more colourful so it stands out, so readers are aware that this storyline is more important.
   The layout of the magazine is very logical, at the top left hand side so its the first thing your recognise and read, this is so readers will in future times remember where it is placed and reconsign the label of the magazine straight away, they become familiar with it. The picture is centre of the page so it stands out and gives the magazine its edge and entertainment. The story line headers and on the left and right hand sides of the page so it doesn't take over the picture and its clear top read. They also place them on the front so people want to read the magazine and find out more. The main storyline which will attract readers is at the bottom of the page in a large font, this is because it relates with the main picture and makes then readers aware that that will be the big story, its the last thing you read on the page so you remember it when you buy the magazine.