Favourite music genre

Friday 22 October 2010


     I was instructed to create a college magazine front cover and a draft of a contents page. However this front of the magazine had to be appropiate and promote the college in a good way. To start of I did some research on the college I would Be promoting for which is 'Wyke college.' After this I compared two already existing college magazines front covers and analyzed them, this helped me with ideas for own and made me realised whats not good to put on the front of the magazine.
        After comparing my two magazines I decided to start doing some drafting of my magazine front cover. I made two drafts of possible places I could put pictures, head-mast, dates etc. After this I did the draft for my contents page, after looking at many other contents pages I made the draft layout very similar to other college magazines. After my drafting process I came up with names for the magazine. I thought of four possible names: Colmag, The Term mag, The Shout Out and The WM. All the name4s were appropriate for different reasons but I thought the best choice would be 'The Shout Out!' as its enthusiastic, friendly towards young audiences and suitable for a college magazine. After this I took pictures for the front cover of the magazine, I initially decided on a female model but because their is uneven ratio of females to males at wyke I thought it would be a good idea to use a male as a model as it promotes that the college is friendly towards males. I had many of places to choose from to take pictures of the model but I took them on the outside. This is so it can show of the buildings in the background and still have that educational look to it. Once I had taken my photos I chose the most effective and best to use for the front cover.
       The picture I chose was perfect because it represented the magazine perfectly and the ideology of the magazine. The image I used was my model reading the Wyke planner sat down, with in the background the buildings of wyke. In the image the model is smiling. This makes the language of the magazine very positive, because he is smiling it shows he is happy and perhaps due to success which is what the college stands for. The models body language is also very relaxed which shows that their is a relaxed atmosphere to the college which also promotes the college to be friendly. Due the model smiling it shows he is happy, which gives a good positive image to the college. The fact that the image also shows  the buildings in background almost shows of the college. Its shows a brief part of the college which also makes it look modern and updated. Another concept of the image is I brightened it so it would stand out more to the eye. The green stands out a lot and the colour green is often associated with money and money is made by success so I deliberately tried to make the green stand out more. The use of bright colours also makes the college look more cheerful and friendly towards the eye, the colours are also very young so they are suited to the target audience.
     The layout to the front cover was very important it needed to look professional. I really liked the layout of the Lewish Ham college so I based mine on that. I placed my head mast to the top left hand side as then its the first thing you see as its at the top and you read from the left hand side. The issue number is on the top right hand corner, this  is so readers are aware of what issue it is and the dates. The sub-headings were the hardest part of the layout, due to my picture I didn't want to cover up the model or the Wyke building as I want readers to see them clearly. So i placed them on the left hand side near the bottom over parts of the image that weren't as important. Due to them being near the bottom its the last thing you read so you remember whats in the magazine and whats going on in that months issue so its the last piece of information the audience obtain.
    The head-mast is very important as it will be on the cover every week. So its important that the font and colour looks good and suits the cover every week. I experimented with a number of fonts but the one I chose was readable, simple and would look good every week no matter what the picture would be on the front of the magazine. To make it more quirky and more youthful I put the word 'The' on a slant. All the other fonts are very simple to too and gives the front cover more sophistication, I tried different quirky fronts but it made the front cover looked cluttered. Due to my picture being so bright I didn't really want use a bright coloured font, so I used the two most simplest colours black and white. This also stood out really well against the bright background.
     I really wanted my front page of the magazine to represent the college in a particular way, I really wanted it to show success, happiness and respect. The fact that the colours and fonts are very simple and sophisticated shows the maturity to the college. the building in the background shows the modernness to the college and the smiling model shows he is successful happy and full of respect and he's reading which shows the educational aspect. I think my magazine does work for the audience as its uses a young model from Wyke and it uses bright colours so its attractive to my audience.
     I do believe I could of done better on my front cover of the magazine, I really wished I had took pictures in other areas of college because my picture may come out more successful also I think I should of put the Wyke logo on the college magazine so it would be easier for people to know which college the magazine is from. Apart from that I'm overall very happy with my result. I think it many similarities to the Lewish Ham magazine like the layout and fonts, however I believe mine looks more professional.

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