Favourite music genre

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Contents page - Version one

Here is my first version on the contents page

I think the background is too cluttered and dull, it makes the text hard to read. Also my images are all very pixelated and dont look very professional. I like the title of the page I think it stands out really well. Also their is not enough listing on my page, if this was a proper magazine it would have over at least 100 page listings. I think this version looks really unprofessional it needs a lot of changing. It needs more colour,better images and a new layout.

Friday 4 February 2011

Front cover - Version Three

Here is my Third version of my front cover

Image- I like the image I think its the best one to use. I think it gives the best affect to the audience
Font- I like the font and the font colour however, I dont like the font or colour of St. Sunflower as I dont think its very clear at all, also I dont think its all in line so I need to adjust this. 

Front Cover - Version Two

Here is my second version of my front cover

Image- I don't think the image is as good as the version one, it still has eye contact with the audience and shows the individuality of the artist. the fact that she has half her face covered shows that she knows she famous enough to be recognised with only half her face. However I think version one shows more rebellious attitude.
Font- I used the same font as version one, however I used different colours, on both covers I'm not happy with the font of 'Queen of attitude and original music' I think it looks tacky on both colours, I need to find a font that matches the background but still stands out.
Layout- I haven't changed the layout much on this copy, the head mast is still in the same place however I've moved the subtitles round a bit, on my next version(draft) I'm going to experiment more with the layout.